As Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached the White House for the private dinner hosted by President Barack Obama, India and the US on Monday issued a vision statement "Chalein Saath Saath: Forward Together We Go" that called for a joint endeavour for prosperity and peace.
The International Space Station has completed 15 years of continuous human presence.
Smartphones are not only capable of providing directions or sending photos and videos to your friends, they can also diagnose diseases in real-time, scientists say.
The recall is the latest in a series of problems to hit Ranbaxy, which has had all its India factories stopped from sending drugs and ingredients to the United States.
In a breakthrough, an Indian-American scientist at the prestigious MIT has developed a simple, cheap, paper test that could improve cancer diagnosis rates and help people get treated earlier.
The conversion produces significantly more energy than it requires and results in transportation fuels -- diesel, for example -- that can be blended with existing ultra-low-sulphur diesels and bio-diesels, researchers said.
Winners of the 2016 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year.
Do not try to clean the soap bathed sponge with water but squeeze the sponge and get that mud and other impurities out in a more accurate manner.
Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday attacked Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi for terming India a "beehive", saying he was shocked that someone could describe `mother India' thus.
Franois Englert and Peter W Higgs were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2013 on Tuesday for the theory of how particles acquire mass.
Let's take a look at some of the most polluted cities in the world's biggest economies.
Regular cleaning of air filters not only improves the health of your bike's engine but also leads to a comfortable ride, says Juie Merchant
NASA's Voyager 1 has entered a new and unexpected region at the far reaches of our solar system that scientists believe is the final area the spacecraft has to cross before reaching interstellar space.
Nanotechnology has remarkable applications in a variety of spheres, including agriculture, animal husbandry and natural resources management.
Professor T Pradeep talks about the nano material he and his associates have fabricated and how it can be used in an affordable water filter in an interview with's Shobha Warrier.
French and American scientists win Nobel Physics Prize
Satyarup Siddhanta has just one mountain to go before he completes the Seven Summits, the tallest mountains in each of the seven continents.
'There is no way you can view the movie from a distance, from a moral high ground, and get to its core.' 'To truly appreciate what Anurag Kashyap is trying to do here, you may have to lose a part of yourself to it, first,' says Sreehari Nair.
US President Barack Obama has announced a new research initiative designed to revolutionise the understanding of the human brain.
The company had stopped production of generic version of cholesterol lowering drug Lipitor last year as it investigated the issue of potential glass particles in certain lots of the drug.
Many say trend could lead to concerns on manufacturing quality in Indian facilities.
The company aims to make Lanjigarh refinery the first zero-based refinery in the world.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration scientists claim to have discovered a third radiation belt around the earth, which may lead to a revision of a more than 50-year-old theory about the planet's radiation zones.
The price tag of Rs 52,990 seems a bit off. Samsung Galaxy S7 has positioned itself as the flagship to beat, and with the very capable HTC 10 on the prowl, LG should have been proactive and imaginative with the pricing. A price tag of Rs 45,000 would have truly given the fillip to the first modular phone in the market, says Himanshu Juneja
Ranbaxy, which is 63.5 per cent-owned by Japan's Daiichi Sankyo Co and gets more than 40 per cent of its sales from the United States, did not immediately respond to a request on Wednesday for comment on the FDA observations.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed alleged Naxal sympathiser Soni Sori, arrested for allegedly helping the outlaws in Chhattisgarh, to be shifted from a Raipur jail to one in Jagdalpur.
It had not been able to meet the deadline so far, though investigation into the matter was over, sources said.
Two Indian cities have been ranked as the most polluted cities in the world.
Around 10 to 15 meteors per hour are expected to be seen on November 20 (as earth will encounter dust trails of 1400 AD passage of the parent comet 55P/Tempel Tuttle), as per the International Meteor Organisation (IMO).
A monster solar storm of charged particles that erupted two days ago on Thursday hit the Earth, which could disrupt power grids, satellite navigation and flights.
13 out of the world's 20 most polluted cities are in India. Most shockingly, the latest Central Pollution Control Board statistics reveal that the pollution levels in Gwalior, Raipur and even little known Kashipur are higher than that of Delhi which means we have some of the most polluted zones in the world.
At the core of this breakthrough is to get the element Germanium to act as a laser.
Traces of poison and alcohol have been found in the viscera of Fiza aka Anuradha Bali, the estranged second wife of former Haryana deputy chief minister Chander Mohan, whose highly decomposed body was found at her Mohali residence a month back.
Although this cannot be used as yet, the experiment carried out by the researchers at the University of Stuttgart shows that an engine does basically work, even if it is on the microscale.
A rare 'Blue Moon' awaits sky aficionados on Friday night.
Two persons were killed on Tuesday in North India due to heavy rains, which also disrupted normal life at many places in the region.
Rahul Gandhi talks of compassion as a necessary element for development. Sreelatha Menon examines
The US India Business Council expressed its unease over the Supreme Court on denying a patent on Glivec and said that this would impact innovation and investment climate in India as a time when the country needs foreign direct investment the most.
Mini Ribeiro tells you how to make the most of winter spices.
The IP & Science business of Thomson Reuters has announced its 2013 "Nobel-class" Citation Laureates on Wednesday, which names 28 researchers representing 22 distinct academic and research organisations, and six different countries.